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How to connect Microsoft To Do with Jira
How to connect Microsoft To Do with Jira

Turn Jira issues into Microsoft To Do tasks and automate your workflow

Written by Vic K
Updated over a week ago

Pleexy automatically creates tasks in your Microsoft To Do from your Jira issues. Pleexy can include or ignore issues based on specified filters and can automatically delete or complete Microsoft To Do tasks based on actions you take in Jira.

💡NOTE: The Jira and Microsoft To Do connection has a one-way sync. Tasks completed in Jira will be completed in Microsoft To Do. Tasks completed in Microsoft To Do will NOT be completed in Jira.

On your dashboard, select the Jira connection card and connect your account. You may need to connect to Jira with an API token. Check out this article to find out how.

After successfully connecting Microsoft To Do with Jira, you can then customize Pleexy’s settings to control exactly how you want the integration to work.

On this page, you can customize the connection's name. You can also adjust the settings for Source, Tasks, Destination, and Sync options. Let’s go through your options for each.

1. Source settings

Source settings let you configure how Pleexy searches for issues in Jira. You have two options: Basic search or Advanced search.

Basic search allows you to filter issues by project, type, status, assigned person, and last update.

  • Project: Select the projects Pleexy should search for issues. You can select all of them or choose specific ones.

  • Type: Select which types of issues Pleexy should search. If you don’t select specific issue types, Pleexy will search all types.

  • Status: If you want to limit Pleexy's search to only issues with a certain status, select the specific status/es to use. If you don’t select specific statuses, Pleexy will search all statuses.

You can also specify whether Pleexy will sync Jira issues assigned only to you or issues assigned to anyone.

To focus on your most recent tasks, you can choose to ignore Jira issues you consider out-of-date. For example, if you enter ‘60’ in the "and ignore tasks older than ___ days" field, Pleexy will ignore issues that haven’t been updated in the last 60 days.

Pleexy combines your settings for all filters. For example, if you select the Planning project, the Story and Epic issue types, the To Do status, and issues assigned to yourself, then enter 30 days, Pleexy will search for issues that meet all of the requirements:

  • In the Planning project

  • Only Story and Epic issues

  • Only To Do statuses

  • Assigned to you

  • Updated less than 30 days ago

Advanced mode is for expert Jira users who want to use pre-defined Jira filters. You can use the advanced filters you have set up in Jira to tailor which issues Pleexy creates as tasks in your Microsoft To Do.

Tracking Completeness of Jira Issues

Finally, you can customize how Pleexy tracks the completeness of your tasks.

When a task is marked complete in Jira, Pleexy can complete the corresponding task in Microsoft To Do. Click the pencil icon to select which Jira status Pleexy will treat as completed:

  • Ignore completed issues: Pleexy will not assume that any tasks are completed. If you complete a task in Jira, it will not be completed in Microsoft To Do.

  • Done statuses in workflows: Pleexy will assume that tasks in the Done status in Jira are completed.

  • Custom status: Choose a custom status for each Jira project that Pleexy will treat as complete.

2. Tasks Template

In the Tasks template, you can specify how Pleexy creates, names, and synchronizes tasks and task attributes.

Customizing the Task Title Template

In the Task title field, customize how Pleexy names your tasks in Microsoft To Do by adding text and selecting any of the given elements. For Jira integrations, seven elements are available for task names: key, due date, project, reporter, status, title, and type.

As you change your task title template, Pleexy shows how your tasks will look in a live example above the template field. You can combine the elements however you want as long as you get the formatting right. Here are some ideas:

  • {title} from {reporter}: {key}

  • {key} - {status}: {project}

Note: If you manually edit a task title in Microsoft To Do, Pleexy won’t update your edited title in Jira.

Synchronizing Due Dates, Descriptions, and Priority Levels

Under Due Date, toggle on the option if you want to copy your due dates from Jira to Microsoft To Do.

You can also choose to add an issue's description as a note in Microsoft To Do.

Next, you can copy the priority of your issues from Jira to Microsoft To Do. If you enable this option, you need to specify how Pleexy should assign priority levels in Microsoft To Do based on your issues' priority levels in Jira.

3. Destination settings

Destination settings define how Pleexy creates tasks in your Microsoft To Do account.

You have two destination options:

  • Put all tasks in one Microsoft To Do list: Create tasks from all Jira projects in the same To Do list. Click the pencil icon to select the To Do list to use.

  • Create tasks in multiple lists in Microsoft To Do: Create tasks from each Jira project in individual To Do lists. (Read this article for more details about how Pleexy creates multiple projects in the destination).
    ​Note: If a Jira project has the same name as an existing list in To Do, Pleexy will use it instead of creating a new one. This way, Pleexy can combine tasks from different source services in the same list. For example, Pleexy will create tasks from a “Development” project in Jira and a “Development” board in Trello in a single list in To Do.

4. Sync options

Sync options let you control what Pleexy will do with Microsoft To Do tasks when you delete or complete issues in Jira.

First, specify what should happen in Microsoft To Do when you complete an issue in Jira:

  • Complete task: Enable this option to mark the corresponding task as complete in To Do when it's completed in Jira

  • Ignore task: Disable the option so that Pleexy will not mark the corresponding task as complete in To Do when it's completed in Jira

Note: If you selected Ignore completed issues in your Source settings, you will not have this option.

Second, specify what should happen in To Do when you delete an issue in Jira:

  • Delete task: Enable this option to delete the task in To Do when it's deleted in Jira

  • Ignore task: Disable the option so that Pleexy will ignore the task in To Do when it's deleted in Jira

These are your options for integrating Jira with Microsoft To Do! Make sure to click Save when you’re finished customizing. Now you can automate your workflow and get more done.

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